Conner Shelton, Sports Editor, Podcast Editor
Conner Shelton is a CSD senior who is returning for his third year of Journalism. Conner loves all things sports, so you will typically find his work in the sports section of the Spartan Sentinel. The ultimate goal that Conner has in mind is to become a sports broadcaster once he graduates. He wants to be just like his favorite sports broadcaster, Kirk Herbstreit. Conner has always enjoyed writing more than reading, so Journalism has been such a great fit for him over the past three years.
Conner loves to spend his time playing baseball and piano. Fun fact, he has actually been playing the piano since he was five years old. You will typically find him outdoors hanging out with his dog, Charley. He loves to watch all sporting events and will most likely catch at least every single day.
Additionally, Conner has a younger sister named Carsyn who is in 8th grade and has been at CSD her whole life. Food is one of Conner’s favorite things in the whole world, and he especially enjoys any kind of pasta. Conner is excited for his senior year and for the opportunity to produce more sports content throughout the year.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
-Joshua 1:9
Walk-up Song?
-Morgan Wallen