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“Senior Sendoff” 2024
CSD Productions, CSD Productions • May 30, 2024

It’s not about the candy

Student journalists reflect on a holiday with mixed personal significance
Evan Mulligan
Candy is often associated with Valentine’s Day but for CSD student journalists the holiday has different meanings entirely.

Valentine’s Day is a polarizing day. For those in relationships, it is an excuse to have fun with your significant other and to show your appreciation for them. For those who are not in relationships, the day is often sad and filled with memories that people would rather keep buried. 

Ben Gallagher’s feelings regarding the holiday are aligned with the latter. While he sees the positives of Valentine’s Day, he also sees it as excessive and frivolous. 

Ben Gallagher (‘25) said, “I think it’s a fine holiday, overhyped, but I think people waste way too much money on it. We watched a video about the history of Valentine’s Day in APUSH and people in the US waste nearly 28.5  billion dollars a year on Valentine’s. It’s ridiculous.”

He would rather spend time with his family on Valentine’s than with anyone else because he knows he will have the same family in the years to come but possibly not the same girl. He wants to make all the time he has with his family count before he goes to college and does not see any point in wasting time and money on a “Hallmark Holiday.”

For the past few years, Ava Jordan (‘24) has spent her holiday in the place she loves most doing what she loves most, cheerleading. 

Cheersport, one of the region’s biggest cheer competitions, happens annually in Atlanta, Georgia, around the weekend of Valentine’s Day so every Valentine’s Day she would spend it in a giant convention center surrounded by people who all share the same love for cheer. 

“Cheer is my valentine,” Ava Jordan said when asked what her big Valentine’s plans were. 

She prefers it more than getting flowers or chocolates from boys. She would rather get a Cheersport ring and jacket. 

And as for emotions and feelings, she would rather stress backstage during warmups, huddle up five minutes before performing and then perform with her favorite friends then, almost anything else.

Senior, Noah Roberson (‘24) has never really taken Valentine’s Day seriously with the exception of a few specific years. He will never forget the torture that he and many others experienced during the elementary school years. 

The experience of making valentines for people in class against his will was brutal.

“The worst part about Valentine’s Day growing up was always making the valentines that I couldn’t care less about,” Noah Roberson said. “I don’t know if other schools did the same thing but at CSD up until 5th grade you had to make valentines every year for everyone in your class.” 

Some years students were asked to write poems, other years they had to write small messages. No matter what the requirements were, as a kid Noah Roberson never put a smile on his face during the entire week of Valentine’s Day. 

While has been a lot less hostile about Valentine’s Day since the activity ended after middle school, he still does not get excited about it. 

Freshman, Isabel Sands (‘27) is also fairly indifferent.

“I’ve never really had anything interesting happen to me on Valentine’s Day,” Isabel Sands said.

She does remember writing poems and handing them out to her classmates in elementary school. And she recalls that decorating the slots that the poems went in were always her favorite part of the holiday. 

When it comes to Valentine’s Day experiences for Conner Shelton (‘25), he thinks about the special partner who constantly is there for him. Her name is Barbella. 

Conner and Barbella’s relationship goes way back to when he was 13 years old. Walking into the gym for the first time, Conner was clueless that he was about to meet the new love of his life. When he got inside the gym there she was, shining in the corner of the weight room. 

Conner knew she was meant for him. She was unlike anything else Conner had ever seen. Her smooth middle and rough edges were just what he was looking for in a partner.

But it was her personality that stood out the most. It was what set her apart from others.

Conner Shelton said, “She’s always there for me, no matter how rough of a day I am having or what I am going through she finds a way to cheer me up. Whether it’s deadlifts, squats, or shoulder presses, she will always find a way to cheer you up.”

Sometimes finding a partner in life is not as much about how pretty someone is but more about the personality that one possesses. 

Over the years Conner and Barbella’s relationship has grown tremendously. As Conner puts on weight, Barbella does the same to always soothe Conner’s needs. 

Conner and Barbella seem to have the forever-bond attached to each other. Their relationship is one they both know will last forever.

Callie Hobbs (‘25) remembers opening her middle school locker on a meaningful Valentine’s Day and finding a small structure in it, lots of mini popsicle sticks glued together at the center with the ends fanned outward.

The whole thing was painted pink and ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ was written in a red marker across the top popsicle stick.  

She searched all over the little gift but couldn’t find any clues as to the identity of the giver. She ended up not showing or asking anyone and kept it to herself.

“I feel like I remember being weirded out by it, but now I see I should’ve been grateful,” said Callie Hobbs (‘25). “Someone was thinking of me and spent time hand-making a craft for me. Keeping it anonymous and discreet also made it feel more genuine, no name, no drama, not for show.”

The day was no more eventful than any other Valentine’s Day. There was no big show of confessing feelings or being asked out like the holiday is portrayed in movies, but it certainly was more meaningful even if she never learned the giver’s  identity.

Evan Mulligan (‘26) believes Valentine’s Day is what you make of it. He is not a particularly romantic person so Valentine’s Day was never an important holiday to him.

Evan usually just eats heart-shaped candy but this Valentine’s Day was different. This year Evan got sushi for lunch.

“I don’t know why I did. I just decided to because I had nothing better to do,” Evan said.

What kind of sushi did he choose?

Evan ate a spicy tuna roll, which he described as very good.

This story is a reminder to everyone that if you cannot have love then you can at least have sushi.

From cheerleading and making personal middle school valentines to lifting weights, keeping to yourself and even eating sushi, Valentine’s Day is not about love and romance in a traditional sense. It’s not about the candy either.

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About the Contributors
Ben Gallagher
Ben Gallagher, Editor-in-Chief

Ben Gallagher, a junior, has been at CSD since eighth grade. In his third year of journalism, he hopes to improve his interviewing skills, cover new topics and see stories through different angles. 

While at school, Ben loves to play volleyball in the gym and learn about our nation’s past in AP US History. He is also looking forward to starting English and Psychology now in eleventh grade. He plays football as a wide receiver and is a middle infielder and outfielder in baseball for the Spartans. One of his favorite memories was freshman year when Matthew Ferguson hit a walkoff three run homer against Trinity High School to send CSD to the state regional finals.

“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.” - Lewis Caroll 

Ava Jordan
Ava Jordan, Deputy Editor-in-Chief. Opinions Editor

Ava Jordan is a senior who has been at CSD ever since kindergarten. This is Ava’s second year in journalism and she is very excited to continue to grow her writing and learn more about what it means to be a journalist. 

While at school, Ava enjoys her AP Psychology, as she wants to major in psychology in college. She loves AP Statistics, too, because of the satisfaction that comes with discovering how numbers interconnect and overlap. She is also a varsity tennis player who is competing for the first time for the school.

Out of school, Ava loves to go out with her friends! She looks forward to football games and going to work on the weekends. 

“I think the perfection of love is that it’s not perfect”

 - Taylor Swift

Noah Roberson
Noah Roberson, Features Editor. Editorial Editor

Noah Roberson is entering his senior year and has been at CSD since kindergarten, so some would call him a “lifer.” Now in his first year of journalism, he hopes to learn more about writing professionally and on a deadline. He wants to pursue a career in sports communications. He is drawn to classes that will help him prepare for his future. 

In his free time, Noah likes to collect and play retro video games such as old models of Nintendo, Playstation and Xbox. Finding old gems whether it’s at a yard sale or a store is always a good feeling for him. He also enjoys spending some quality time with his family especially before he eventually departs for college.

“Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.” - Bo Jackson

Isabel Sands
Isabel Sands, Podcast Editor. Arts & Entertainment Editor

Isabel Sands is in the 9th grade, beginning her fourth year at CSD. She is new to journalism because she decided to branch out and loves trying new things. She enjoys being spontaneous and believes that's truly the only way to have fun. Coming from a military family, she has developed her love of travel throughout the years and has been able to meet new people, see new places and experience new cultures.

“You jump, I jump, Jack” -Rory Gilmore 

“Put love out into the world. It needs it a bit right now.” -Harry Styles

“I really like chicken nuggets. They’re good.” - Curtis

Callie Hobbs
Callie Hobbs, Sports Editor. Opinions Editor

Callie Hobbs is a junior at CSD who has been at the school since 4th grade. She joined the journalism team this year for the first time because she loves to write and is creatively inspired by the world around her.

Callie is the junior team captain of CSD’s varsity cross-country team and loves to run on trails and sidewalks/greenways. To Callie, running is an outlet to think things through. Outside of school, Callie enjoys simply relaxing, finding inspiration and dreaming up ideas for creative projects and spending time with family.

“The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.”  -John Bingham

Evan Mulligan
Evan Mulligan, News Editor. Staff Writer.

Evan Mulligan is a sophomore who is starting his second year both at CSD and in journalism. During his free time, Evan enjoys reading and working out. Evan is a “politics junkie” who also participates in Model UN and aspires to be a diplomat. Evan joined journalism because he wants to make a positive impact on the world through sharing his opinions.

‘’If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be” - Maya Angelou

Conner Shelton
Conner Shelton, Sports Editor. Podcast Editor

Conner Shelton is a junior at the Community School of Davidson and is returning to journalism for a second year because he wants to  further his skills by interviewing more people and exploring different types of journalistic writing. He looks forward to meeting new people and gaining knowledge on how to become the best journalist possible. 

Conner loves to play baseball and is a member of the school’s baseball team. In his free time he loves to hangout with friends, workout and play with his dog, Charley. He has one sister who is in the 7th grade and is on the middle school volleyball team. His favorite subject is chemistry. Why? Conner enjoys the hard work and dedication that the subject takes to master.

"Hard work and dedication set the foundation for achievement." -  Wander Franco

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