What’s your take on Valentine’s Day? From head to toe, journalists give answers (and pictures) of the holiday.
Paired with images from Valentine’s Day at school, students chose to answer one of the following questions in the captions.
Why do you think Valentine’s Day is associated with the heart?
Love can be a crazy, confusing, unpredictable thing. What is your definition of love?
Tell me about a person you love. What makes this person special?
What is your favorite thing that is either pink or red?
We often say that we “love” something. For example, “I love chocolate.” What is the difference between loving a person and loving a thing or activity?
Ella Barber (‘24) shares an object that is pink that she loves! “My mom got me this pink necklace and I love it,” Ella Barber said, “I’ll always wear it.” (Ava Jordan)
Callie Hobbs (‘25) is the sports editor of the Spartan Sentinel. I asked Callie about what the difference between loving a person and loving a thing and she said, “I think loving a person is unconditional, because people are more complicated than just objects.” (Evan Mulligan)
Callie Hobbs (‘25) said, “My definition of love is when you see someone’s vices, flaws, the person being loved at his/her lowest, and still care about him/her and enjoy his/her company.” (Callie Hobbs)
About love, Ben Gallagher (‘25) said, “I love my little sister, Esme. She always has a smile on her face and whenever I get home from school she gives me a hug.” (Conner Shelton)
Senior Anna Teckenbrock (‘24) described the difference of loving an object vs a person as, “If you love something (an object or thing), you just really really like it and you enjoy it but if you’re in love with someone you hold a lot of respect and love for that person.” (Noah Roberson)Ava Hazlett, a freshman at CSD (‘27), was interviewed about Valentines and when asked about her favorite red or pink item, she said, “I’ve had this red heart blanket since I was five, I love it.” (Ben Gallagher)
Ava Jordan, Deputy Editor-in-Chief. Opinions Editor
Ava Jordan is a senior who has been at CSD ever since kindergarten. This is Ava’s second year in journalism and she is very excited to continue to grow her writing and learn more about what it means to be a journalist.
While at school, Ava enjoys her AP Psychology, as she wants to major in psychology in college. She loves AP Statistics, too, because of the satisfaction that comes with discovering how numbers interconnect and overlap. She is also a varsity tennis player who is competing for the first time for the school.
Out of school, Ava loves to go out with her friends! She looks forward to football games and going to work on the weekends.
“I think the perfection of love is that it’s not perfect”
– Taylor Swift
Callie Hobbs, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Visual Media Manager
Callie Hobbs is a Community School of Davidson (CSD) senior. This is her second year in Journalism and throughout her first year she discovered a variety of related skills including multimedia and podcasting. She is excited not only to grow her skills and explore more opportunities/areas of journalism but also to grow as a leader in the program and continue to push herself out of her comfort zone. Callie hopes to continue chasing this passion by majoring in media/journalism, marketing or communications in college.
Callie cares about leadership and kindness. She is also an avid runner who is the team captain of CSD’s Varsity Cross Country team, a 2x half marathon finisher (with plans to run a third this year), and a Girls on the Run Junior Coach for a local team. She is also an aspiring triathlete.
Outside of school, Callie likes running/training, spending time with family, watching movies in theaters, thinking of ideas for her leadership roles/passion projects and writing.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” -Plato
Walk-up Song?
“Ready For It?”
-Taylor Swift
Evan Mulligan is an eleventh-grade student who started at the Community School of Davidson (CSD) in ninth grade. Evan has been participating in Journalism class for three years and sees this as a stepping stone to continue the study in college. He has a passion for politics and foreign policy and writes about these topics on both the Spartan Sentinel and his own blog.
Evan is passionate about Model United Nations and has participated in several conferences in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and Washington D.C., as a member of CSD’s Model UN club.
Outside of school, Evan enjoys going on walks in the woods and listening to ABBA in his free time.
“The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.”
-Benjamin Disraeli
Walk-up Song?
”Summer Night City”
Conner Shelton is a CSD senior who is returning for his third year of Journalism. Conner loves all things sports, so you will typically find his work in the sports section of the Spartan Sentinel. The ultimate goal that Conner has in mind is to become a sports broadcaster once he graduates. He wants to be just like his favorite sports broadcaster, Kirk Herbstreit. Conner has always enjoyed writing more than reading, so Journalism has been such a great fit for him over the past three years.
Conner loves to spend his time playing baseball and piano. Fun fact, he has actually been playing the piano since he was five years old. You will typically find him outdoors hanging out with his dog, Charley. He loves to watch all sporting events and will most likely catch at least every single day.
Additionally, Conner has a younger sister named Carsyn who is in 8th grade and has been at CSD her whole life. Food is one of Conner’s favorite things in the whole world, and he especially enjoys any kind of pasta. Conner is excited for his senior year and for the opportunity to produce more sports content throughout the year.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
-Joshua 1:9
Walk-up Song?
-Morgan Wallen
Ben Gallagher is a senior who has been attending CSD since eighth grade. He is looking forward to his fourth and final year as a part of the Journalism team and hopes it’s the best year yet. This year in the class, he wants to branch out from the usual stories he writes and explore styles such as opinion pieces, podcasts and photo stories.
When not at school, Ben is often found on the sports field. Baseball and recently football take up the majority of his calendar and he loves it. On the diamond he plays middle infield and outfield while in football he plays receiver and free safety.
Outside of school, Ben enjoys reading, hanging out with friends, eating food and spending time outdoors. His favorite books are The Count of Monte Cristo and The Hobbit. His mom’s lasagna is his favorite food.
“Put on the full armor of God that you may withstand the schemes of the Devil.”
-Ephesians 6:11
Walk-up Song?
“Can’t tell It All (Remix)”
-Hulvey, KB, and Lecrae
Noah Roberson is entering his senior year and has been at CSD since kindergarten, so some would call him a “lifer.” Now in his first year of journalism, he hopes to learn more about writing professionally and on a deadline. He wants to pursue a career in sports communications. He is drawn to classes that will help him prepare for his future.
In his free time, Noah likes to collect and play retro video games such as old models of Nintendo, Playstation and Xbox. Finding old gems whether it’s at a yard sale or a store is always a good feeling for him. He also enjoys spending some quality time with his family especially before he eventually departs for college.
“Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.”
– Bo Jackson
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