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CSD Spartan Media

CSD Spartan Media

CSD Spartan Media

Avery Nardone

Avery Nardone, Deputy Sports Editor, Staff Writer

Avery Nardone is a junior in her second year at CSD and first year in Journalism who hopes to explore the art of writing and media in the course. She dreams of experiencing as much of the world as possible and wants to capture it through writing.

On top of classes, Avery practices diving eight times a week but on the rare occasion she has free time she’s running, playing pickleball or reading. Her friends are very important to her and they enjoy going to Chili’s, road tripping and exploring new places. Traveling and adventures are something she would feel incomplete without.


“To define is to limit”

-Oscar Wilde

Walk-up Song?

“You are the right one”


All content by Avery Nardone