Intersession 2023 – It’s a unique, pre-spring break CSD learning opportunity
Intersession is the last three days of school before spring break and it gives students an opportunity that most schools don’t give. Last year, my friends and I did Mrs. Ban’s Read-A-Thon.
March 4, 2023
Ever since the possibilities for what will be offered in Intersession 2023 were released, that’s all I’ve been hearing about at school. People are either asking what Intersession is or what the point of it is.
Jessica Smith, the school’s counselor who handles all things Intersession, said, “Intersession is a mini-term that offers in-depth explorations of academic, vocational and/or creative interests, builds student-teacher relationships and fuels student enthusiasm for learning.”
Intersession is the last three days of school before spring break and it gives students an opportunity that most schools don’t give.
By April, most students are burned out and done with school. Having Intersession before break provides time to be with friends and to have fun while at school without having to go to class and stress about finals and grades.
“During those three days, classes stop and learning extends beyond textbooks and the school walls,” Jessica Smith said, enlightening us as to why we have Intersession.
I’ve experienced Intersession once, and while there are some people I know who didn’t like it, I loved it.
Last year, my friends and I did Mrs. Ban’s Read-A-Thon.
While it sounds like reading for three days straight, it was more than that. We went to downtown Davidson to cute coffee shops and bookstores, we met a local artist, we went out to eat, and, of course, we read.
Last year, back from Covid, my Intersession experience was one of my favorite parts of high school. The best part was that I got to be with my best friends and we chose what we wanted to do.
How does it work? Students get to choose from a list of many options for what they want to do for Intersession. Seniors and upperclassmen get top choice, sophomores and freshmen still get cool opportunities, too.
You can do something fun, like Escape CSD or Mini Golf, both where you get to create and build structures in CSD, or you can do something educational like College Road Trip where you visit area colleges that you might be interested in attending.
CSD also offers Independent Study, Job Shadowing, or U-visits, where you can visit colleges with your family anywhere in the country on your own without missing classes.
Or, if you’re sporty, you can do Take-A-Hike or Push Your Boundaries, Healthy Living or Mountain Biking.
CSD offers tons more selections than what I’ve listed and while there are some that are repeated year after year, sometimes it’s the new ones that spark the biggest interest.
I speak for all CSD high school students when I say we can’t wait to see what Intersession 2023 brings.