Storms on the horizon! Outer Banks (Season 3) finally drops.
After months and months of waiting, Season 3 of the Netflix series OBX will again feature storylines and cliffhangers courtesy of the Kooks and the Pogues.
February 20, 2023
If you have watched the first two seasons of the Netflix series Outer Banks then you know how many cliffhangers the show dishes out to viewers. In fact, almost every storyline has more twists and turns than the tides, storms, explosions and action sequences that dominate each episode.
To prepare for the new season, let’s take a look back at what the first two seasons had to offer.
Season 1 had a lot to offer as far as setting the stage and building a foundation. Viewers met the main characters who at the time were only John B (Chase Stokes), JJ (Rudy Pankow), Kiara (Madison Bailey) and Pope (Jonathan Daviss). This main group of friends was called Pogues.
According to the writers, the Pogues were considered the group of people who lived on the south side of the island of the Outer Banks. Pogues were part of the working class who mainly cleaned boats, worked construction and ran charters for the rich. Essentially, these were the poor people of the island.
The Pogues friend group was a tight group as they loved to spend time together and go on adventures whether it be on the water or on land. They didn’t care, they were just excited to be outside.
In the first couple of episodes, viewers see that John B discovers a compass on a wrecked ship which leads to the introduction to the title of the Royal Merchant. John B wanted to figure out more about this compass as he feels it could have links to the Royal Merchant. John B´s dad went missing while searching for it which is why John B wants to find this ship. He is determined to finish what his dad started.
Viewers saw that Sarah Cameron (Madelyn Cline) was not a part of this group as she was part of the rich group of the island residents also well known as the Kooks.
But when John B takes the compass to her because he knows her dad went to Chapel Hill, and has documents that could help him on his journey to finding the Royal Merchant, Sarah Cameron begins to question her Kook lifestyle. This is where we start to see John B and Sarah fall in love. When they get back from Chapel Hill they share a first kiss in the pouring rain. That is where the treasure hunt begins and where the story takes off to new heights.
Season 2 gave viewers a lot to wrap minds around in each episode. The Pogues reunite and continue their search for the treasure. They are also now searching for the cross of Santo Domingo.
The biggest headline cliffhanger that stood out in this season was the Pogues ending up on an island in the middle of the ocean after trying to steal the cross. This is where the new season will begin.
Also, in the last episode of Season 2 there is a huge cliffhanger where viewers see that John B´s dad is still alive and is looking for his son.
Now, here’s what is new and exciting.
When the trailer for Season 3 dropped, viewers were introduced to both new storylines plus a handful of others. And cliffhangers dominated the action packed two minute video short, too.
Outer Banks Season 3 will continue to follow the journey of the main Pogues – John B. Sarah Cameron, Kiara, Pope and JJ, along with the addition of a new Pogue named Cleo (Carlacia Grant). After watching the trailer it is fair to say the new season will be very action packed, mainly with the Pogues back to hunting for the treasure.
The main part of this season that everyone will be zeroed in on is whether or not John B reunites with his dad. With viewers seeing John B´s dad in the last episode of Season 2, it’s fair to only wonder what challenges John B´s dad will have to go through to see his son again.
Personal predictions? It will be the last season of Outer Banks and everything will turn out great. John B will reunite with his dad and he will complete the treasure hunt with his son. Sarah will end up living with John B and they will have a complete life together. Completing the treasure hunt will bring the Pogues even closer and even though they may separate they will all remember the eventful treasure hunt they had.
Writer’s Note (Addendum)
As a high school journalism student in North Carolina Who attends school just a few hours from both the actual Outer Banks and the filming locations in both North and South Carolina, I made the effort to reach out to writers, producers and actors from the show. I am most interested in those with Carolina roots, such as Madelyn Cline. It was my hope to get input for the story, some personal reflections, and maybe a quote or two from her. As of publication time, I haven’t made the connection but I continue to dig and reach out. I’m on my own treasure hunt you might say.