(Isabel Sands)
(Isabel Sands)
(Isabel Sands)
(Isabel Sands)
(Isabel Sands)
(Photo by Emma Burch)
(Photo by Emma Burch)
(Ava Jordan)
(Ava Jordan)
(Ava Jordan)
(Ava Jordan)
(Ava Jordan)
(Evan Mulligan)
“As a third year [student in woodworking], I created this stirrer for my family’s tradition. For my Great Grandpas’s birthday and Christmas, we make a Brunswick stew. The stew has a lot of food that needs to be broken down, and a stirring device is needed to break and mix everything together. The stirrer they were using before was old and starting to break. I thought it would be a great idea to make them a new one. I started by finding my piece of wood and making it smooth with the planer and jointer. Once it was all smooth, I drew the shape I wanted and got to cutting on the bandsaw. The bandsaw was very dangerous, and I was nervous about using it, but everything went mostly according to plan. The handle was a little misshapen, but that was easy to fix and make into a grip. I sanded the whole thing down and added the grips with the oscillating spindle sander to finish the project. We got to use it this summer and had some great stew,” said Matthew McConnell.
(Noah Roberson)