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CSD Spartan Media

Local thrift stores like Goodwill have become filled with cheap fast fashion clothing from brands like SHEIN due to the fast microtrends that fade so quickly.

Chasing micro trends: purchasing and overconsumption

High school students are easily influenced by new fashion micro trends through social media.
Mia Kirsch, A & E Editor, Podcast Editor
March 23, 2025
The good news is that along with the recent trends of thrifting and buying second hand clothing comes the awareness of overconsumption, which will hopefully encourage people to stop consuming so much fast fashion.
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Community School of Davidson senior Julia Vecchiarello displays UNC Chapel Hill’s “Class of ‘29” Instagram page. She is considering attending UNC Chapel Hill in the fall, and is using the page to scope possible roommates and build friendships before even setting foot on campus.

Roommate roulette

Picking a roommate, often the first decision after being accepted to college, is one that could dictate the course of a freshman year.
Kate Saussele, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Features Editor
March 21, 2025
As high school seniors receive college admissions notifications and make acceptance decisions, they are then faced with choosing a roommate, a decision that could dictate the course of their freshman year. The process can be nerve-racking and stressful with the pressure of finding that perfect roommate almost blanketing the joy that comes with being accepted to a school.
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CSD juniors (from left) Brianna Padin, Emaline Hardin, Maggie Neale, Avery Nardone, Makayla Smith, and Addison Nardone group hug surrounding the fireplace. Gathering for a “Galentine’s” event, they decided to coordinate outfits and all wear red or pink to symbolize the holiday. (Photo courtesy of CSD alumni, Billie Hardin)

Six CSD juniors celebrate their friendship at ‘Galentines’ gathering

Valentine's Day can be dedicated to romance but friendships matter, too
Avery Nardone, Deputy Sports Editor, Staff Writer
March 18, 2025
This past Valentine's Day, six Community School of Davidson (CSD) juniors decided to do something a little bit out of the ordinary. Instead of celebrating in a traditional way, the classmates gathered together for ‘Galentines,’ a self proclaimed event organized to spend quality time with, and appreciate, female friendships.
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Weights on a workout mat represent the 79% of people whose New Year’s resolutions are related to health matters. While the motivation and fresh start of January 1 might work for some, it is always telling to see how many stick with their resolutions once January ends and other dates come and go, too.

One month into the new year, do students still keep up with their resolutions and are they even worth it?

Callie Hobbs, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Visual Media Manager
February 5, 2025

It’s New Year’s Day 2025 and, predictably, the parking lots of all the area gyms around the Community School of Davidson (CSD) are overflowing. For those choosing to stay home, many are deleting...

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While the Huntersville, North Carolina, DMV may seem like your standard, run-of-the-mill building on the outside, to some license seekers, including CSD students, the building is more akin to a portal to Hell.

DMV disasters

Three Community School of Davidson (CSD) Spartans from the class of 2027 share their stressful DMV experiences.
Macy Balmat, Student Life Editor, Opinions Editor
January 8, 2025
While the Huntersville, North Carolina DMV may seem like your standard, run-of-the-mill building on the outside, to some the building is more akin to a portal to Hell.
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Three of the 150 ceramic pumpkins await delivery to their new neighborhood homes. Through making the pumpkins and learning to give them away with a positive attitude, CSD’s Visual Arts and Ceramics students learn the value of how giving, communicating and connecting can build a community.

A (ceramic) pumpkin’s purpose

CSD’s Visual Arts and Ceramics students learn about giving and relationships through ceramics and an annual project tradition
Kate Saussele, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Features Editor
October 16, 2024

As summer transitions to fall and the giving season approaches, Visual Arts and Ceramics students at the Community School of Davidson (CSD) put down their drawing pencils and set aside their easels to...

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Akhilan Kumaran (‘26) shows sophomore JT Peterson (‘27) an AACA shirt and tells him about the club. The idea for this new club came after three classmates bonded in AP Government class and decided other students might benefit, too.

Club culture adds to student learning

Clubs play a major role in a CSD education and three juniors are putting a new idea to the test
Elena Cunningham and Macy Balmat
October 7, 2024
“We just started out helping each other outside of class, in class, and then we wanted to spread that across the school,” Akhilan Kumaran said.
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Back to school playlist ‘24 – ‘25

The Spartan Sentinel brings you our first Spotify playlist of the year.
Mia Kirsch, A & E Editor, Podcast Editor
September 13, 2024

Back to school means new classes, new opportunities, new friends and an awesome new playlist. CSD’s student journalist, Mia Kirsch (‘25), did the hard work and pulled together nearly two dozen songs...

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Perhaps thinking about budget friendly dining, the author “watches” his money.

Savvy savers – navigating budget friendly dining while in high school

Cade Lacy, Student Life Editor and Staff Writer
May 24, 2024

In today's bustling high school world, where packed schedules are the norm and wallets often feel a bit light, dining out on a budget can feel like a daunting task. However, fear not budget-conscious foodies,...

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In an Intersession that involves everything related to MMA, Muay Tai,, wrestling and so much more, students get a chance to pin experts like Mr. Yodice.

This Intersession packs a punch

Cade Lacy, Student Life Editor and Staff Writer
May 14, 2024

It’s a Tuesday morning and instead of sitting quietly in a classroom, legs under a desk and laptops open, there are 20 students doing push-ups, kicking heavy bags and otherwise beating up each other...

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Pay attention underclassmen, Ava Jordan (right) and her graduating classmates have advice for your upcoming senior year.

Advice from graduating seniors for rising seniors

With the 2023-2024 school year coming to an end, what better way to wrap it up than with advice from the graduating seniors for the rising seniors (and everyone else, too).
Ava Jordan, Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Opinions Editor
May 9, 2024

The biggest piece of advice the seniors have to give is to simply have fun. “It’s your last year, make the most of it,” Emma Davis (‘24) said. “Go out and join clubs, get involved. You only...

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For seniors with college hopes, the stresses that come with applying to colleges and then waiting and waiting, quite often for months on end, are tremendous.

Patience, prayers and the college notification that never seems to want to come

Noah Roberson, Features Editor and Editorial Editor
April 29, 2024

It begins in August and continues at least until April. It is long and painful. It keeps you up at night. It raises stress levels and causes tension. It is unique to high school seniors. It is the college...

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