Chasing micro trends: purchasing and overconsumption
High school students are easily influenced by new fashion micro trends through social media.
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Roommate roulette
Picking a roommate, often the first decision after being accepted to college, is one that could dictate the course of a freshman year.
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Six CSD juniors celebrate their friendship at ‘Galentines’ gathering
Valentine's Day can be dedicated to romance but friendships matter, too
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DMV disasters
Three Community School of Davidson (CSD) Spartans from the class of 2027 share their stressful DMV experiences.
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A (ceramic) pumpkin’s purpose
CSD’s Visual Arts and Ceramics students learn about giving and relationships through ceramics and an annual project tradition
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Club culture adds to student learning
Clubs play a major role in a CSD education and three juniors are putting a new idea to the test
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Back to school playlist ‘24 – ‘25
The Spartan Sentinel brings you our first Spotify playlist of the year.
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This Intersession packs a punch
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Advice from graduating seniors for rising seniors
With the 2023-2024 school year coming to an end, what better way to wrap it up than with advice from the graduating seniors for the rising seniors (and everyone else, too).
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