Back to Our Roots: Advisory and Service Resume

Photo provided by Sara Behnke

Josh Andrews, Staff Writer

Service Fridays have been at the Community School of Davidson since the opening of the high school in 2010-11. They also have been the backbone of what CSD is built around. Some pre-picked Fridays throughout the year are designated as service Fridays. The students of CSD travel outside of CSD with their advisory groups and serve around the Davidson area. The past two years have been far from normal and service Fridays were totally affected by that.

There are also a few teachers that have been doing it since the start, these teachers are very ready to get started back up and get these Service Fridays going

Photo Provided by Janis Houlihan

Janis Houlihan, math teacher, has been at CSD and participating in service Fridays since the very first graduating class in 2013-2014. Her group serves at The Relatives, a crisis center for runaway and homeless children where children can go to escape dangerous living conditions.

Located in the Dilworth neighborhood, The Relatives offers counselors and educators. Houlihan’s group helps sort through and organize food donations, kitchen supplies, and clothes and take out items determined to be too old or of no significant use. Joey Logano, NASCAR Racer, and his foundation, Joey Logano Foundation, donated to The Relatives and renovated the building with video game systems, couches, and televisions for the children staying there.


Photo provided by Sara Behnke

Sara Behnke, English teacher, has also been participating in service Fridays since her third year at CSD in 2014-15. Her advisory serves mostly outside, which proves helpful amidst COVID restrictions. The Community School of Davidson adopted a stream in Davidson. Located just off  Grey Road, the group’s service project is to clean and pick up trash in the river. Mecklenburg County supplies them with the necessities to clean the river. Behnke stated that “Even though we don’t have as many service days due to COVID, I think we should be able to do most of that again.” After last year of no service Fridays, the creek will likely need a lot of cleaning.