Over the past few years, I have noticed a rising sentiment among Generation Z (Gen-Z) regarding climate change — that nothing can be done and society is effectively doomed. This attitude I call “climate doomerism.”
I want to outline why this attitude is incorrect and not conducive to real, meaningful change and, while as young people we will be severely affected by the consequences of climate change and the horrors it will inflict on our ecosystems, communities, lives, and health, all is not lost.
According to a 2023 poll from CBS News, about 59 percent of young people feel extremely worried about climate change, and 45 percent say it negatively affects their daily lives.
Considering this data, which admittedly does not translate precisely into being climate doomers, a significant percentage of young people likely hold these deep fears and senses of hopelessness.
However, not every Community School of Davidson Zoomer feels the exact same way about these climate developments.
For example, Lucas Schuermann (‘28) helps illustrate that Gen-Z is not in unanimous agreement about climate change by a long shot, there is still widespread agreement on its danger.
“Humans do increase the speed of [climate change], but it already happens naturally with life,” Lucas Schuermann said.
Before I attempt to critique it, I will fully acknowledge that our era is deeply terrifying, and climate change threatens our way of life, our health and the little sense of economic security many of us Zoomers have.
Ultimately, this is not a productive attitude. It is harmful to any meaningful climate activism, as hopelessness is present in all political movements.
So, is there nothing we can do about climate change? Should we give up on trying to mitigate it?
No, for starters, both global trends and changes in the United States prove the opposite.
Presently, nuclear and green energy make up more than 16 percent of global energy production, which is a 4 percent increase from 15 years ago in 2010. While this, admittedly, is not a significant global improvement compared to the crisis, it is certainly not insignificant at a time when every little improvement counts.
In the United States, according to the United States Energy Information Administration, 40 percent of energy production comes from nuclear and renewable energy, significantly higher than the world total.
There is hope and reason to believe that the world is making efforts and the U.S.A. is doing better as a country.
Despite this, the doomer attitude continues to grow.
For example, Emory Short (’25), when asked about how they feel about their future under climate change, states that they feel “depressed and kind of hopeless.”
While constant doom and gloom can often be an easy cycle to draw, this mindset is incompatible with a winning and active political strategy to stop climate change.
But what is the alternative?
An alternate vision for how Gen-Z should approach the issue of climate change is what I will term “pragmatic utopianism.” The best possible approach to this issue is to adopt a political vision that is simultaneously willing to understand the diverse means to fight climate change while presenting a hopeful vision for a future world like this.
Technologies such as nuclear, solar and wind energy are just the beginning of solving climate change.
A significant reform of our nation’s transportation system will also reduce the effects of climate change.Such a program could include large-scale federal funding for building a national high-speed rail system to help offset the carbon emissions generated by air travel, along with the expansion of alternative means of transportation such as cycling, walking and public transport in cities.
Overall, the goal and effect of many of these policies is to drastically offset America’s carbon footprint, helping to reduce the impact of climate change.
What could this hopeful future world look like?
Communities like Davidson, North Carolina, are making changes and leading the way.
CSD student Kate Saussele (’25), for example, drives an electric car for both environmental and cost reasons. She uses both a home charger and takes advantage of multiple charging stations around Davidson.
She says driving an electric car saves her money, she feels like she’s helping the environment, and “it’s honestly just really fun to drive.”
In terms of what I picture as this image of a hopeful future world, I will summarize it as a “garden city,” where dense urban environments and a beautiful nature scene correspond to build a quasi-utopian vision.
Such a city would see dense urban developments and green spaces plus abundant public and easily accessible transportation.
Overall, while climate change is set to drastically impact the futures of all members of Gen-Z in ways that are getting worse by the day, there is hope. To escape this, we must build a viable future beyond climate collapse, all while rejecting the notion that we are doomed.
If we build this vision, we better mitigate the effects of the incoming disaster while creating a positive future. Such a vision has the potential to present a beautiful world in which everyone can live just lives.
Now is the time for Gen-Z to work to build a sustainable alternative rather than doom over mass climate catastrophe. To fight against this threat, we must develop a sense of mission and purpose to guide us away from this catastrophe. Gen-Z should not be stuck with the feeling of climate doomers, we should use what we know, learn more and dedicate resources and efforts to move beyond it.