One school, lots of ducks. Have you found one yet?
School is barely one month old and the ‘@csd_duck’ account on Instagram has already become a school-wide phenomenon with people racing to areas posted to get the duck.
How does it work? When a new photo is posted on the Instagram account, no matter what day or time of day, students race to find and claim it so they can have the opportunity to be featured on the account.
Getting a rubber duck to keep is cool, too.
Two questions many are probably asking are, “when did this account come around?” and “why is it so popular?’
The first post made by ‘@csd_duck’ was on August 14th, yes, the first day of school, so let’s call this the debut of the ‘csd_duck’ account.
Over the next couple days, this account started blowing up, with many people beginning to participate in this twice daily duck hunt. The account has grown to have nearly 200 followers.
As far as explaining its popularity, sophomore, Emme Hodgeman (‘26), said, “I think it is really fun. I really want to find one, but I don’t keep up with Instagram so I don’t know when they are placed.”
Others do follow it and some students have been known to ask out of class to go on the hunt.
The anonymous owner of this account has stated they created this account to have fun and help people be a little extra excited about school.
Student views on ‘@csd_duck’ seem to be overall positive. However, there do seem to be a lot of students who do not have a strong opinion on this phenomenon.
Junior, Bryce McCormick (‘25), said, “I don’t really pay attention to it honestly.”
While this new activity has definitely given many students something to do during their free blocks, time will only tell if this is a lasting thing.
The anonymity of the owner has also been a very interesting subplot to this phenomenon. While many students attempt to figure out who the owner of this account is, none have succeeded.
While many people have pondered – and been frustrated by – the duck hunt, there is absolutely zero question of the fact that many would like to see this duck hunt continue for quite a while longer.
CSD DUCK HUNT has already become a very important part of the culture of the 2023-2024 school year, and this news editor, especially, hopes the trend lasts for the rest of the year (and into the next few years).