The case against homework
Carrying home backpacks full of books and binders will likely make a student stronger but is doing homework really going to make them smarter?
March 14, 2023
Homework is a very stressful topic for most high school students. The very mention of the word often makes students sweat and lose sleep. Moods get lost in the wind. Trying to juggle a full high school schedule, it’s often too easy to think about the opportunities lost.
For those who struggle, some don’t know how to manage their time while others just have zero motivation.
While homework has always been the normal thing that students do when they get home from school, science and opinions now show that it may not be needed anymore.
From a time perspective, how much school is too much? Being at school for seven hours every day is already tiring as it is, and on top of that students don’t want to go home and work for an extra two or three hours at night. If students don’t get enough “play time” then it will mess with their social skills and personal development.
Instead, after a long school day, students are ready to go home, hang out with friends, play on phones, or even go home and just take a nap.
Personally, this writer doesn’t think that teachers realize how tired students really are.
Getting “stuck” is also an issue. Think about it, if you are at home and you get stuck on a question, who are you going to ask for help? Your parents aren’t going to remember how to solve the pythagorean theorem or remember what the quadratic formula is. They aren’t going to remember what DNA is made of, or why we need cellular respiration.
If you think about it, parents haven’t been in high school for so long. They may simply suggest doing a simple Google search. That isn’t going to help whatsoever when trying to study for a test or quiz.
Not having homework outside of school also gives students the opportunity to do more extracurriculars and even have a part-time job.
So when should high school students do work outside of class?
CSD is set up to have learning labs built into the schedule, so even if teachers hand out homework there is still time get it done in the school day. Part of incorporating learning labs is to teach time management, so learning to use that time during the school day is in everyone’s best interest if students don’t want to do homework outside of school.
While many can argue that homework is a good way to refresh a student’s brain and to help better understand the materials that they are learning during school hours, this writer thinks that it is pointless