Spartan Spotlight: Mike Savicki

Ben Whitley, Staff Writer

Mike Savicki is an educator at CSD who has a great passion for sports. Following a spinal cord injury, Savicki incurred during his time in the military, he has lived his life in a wheelchair. Savicki made sure to never let his accident get in the way of what he loved. Savicki made sure he stayed connected to sports when he took on a role at CSD that allowed him to teach the class Sport in Society. 

Growing up in an athletic household, Savicki was always involved in some kind of activity whether it was playing an organized sport or just throwing the ball in the backyard. Savicki stated that, once he was hurt, “I felt everything was taken from me, everything I knew how to do well.” Savicki made an effort to make sure sports were always a big part of his life moving forward.

Savicki had many supporters after he was injured but he states his biggest supporters were his fraternity brothers from college. Savicki holds degrees from Duke University and Tufts. “They never let me feel sorry for myself, they would always make an effort to come to the hospital and take me out.” Savicki felt his friendships had become much stronger after the accident because they had to find different things to do to spend time together.

Wheelchair racing is a popular athletic event for wheelchair athletes as they still love to compete. Wheelchair rugby is also a big sport known as Murderball. Savicki has loved every second of competing in wheelchair events because he met some of his best friends. “I have friends all over the world just because we competed together,” Savicki said. [We] are just trying to make life a little normal again.”